ai 巨乳 印度小哥发明“电击鞋” 不错电击色狼并报警
发布日期:2024-09-29 21:17    点击次数:174

ai 巨乳 印度小哥发明“电击鞋” 不错电击色狼并报警

女性强奸案频发是令印度政府头疼的大问题,为匡助女性保护我方,18岁的印度高中生西达尔特•曼达拉(Siddharth Mandala)发明了一种“电击鞋”。当使用者遭逢危境时,鞋子能开释0.1安培的电流电击骚动者ai 巨乳,并会向警方和使用者家属发出警报。

印度小哥发明“电击鞋” 不错电击色狼并报警


He spent years working on the “ElectroShoe”, a unique type of anti-sexual assault footwear that electrocutes attackers by inflicting 0.1 Ampere of electricity while also alerting police and family members that the wearer is in danger. All the wearer has to do is kick the perpetrator. 曼达拉历时几年接头出的“电击鞋”是一种防性侵的特地鞋子,使用者只好抬脚踢向骚动者,鞋子就不错开释0.1安培的电流电击对方,并会向警方和使用者的家属发出警报。

曼达拉默示,因为女性外出时可能会健忘佩戴喷雾器、电击棒等装备,但每个东谈主外出齐要穿鞋,一定不会健忘ai 巨乳,是以他决定规画电击鞋来保护女性、抵抗色狼。他说:

“To accomplish this, I created a unique circuit board that uses footsteps to charge itself with the help of a concept called the ‘piezoelectric effect’ which I learned in my physics class. The more the user walks, the more energy is generated and stored in a rechargeable battery.” “为了制作电击鞋,touch99发布器我发明了一种特地的电路板,走路时就能充电。这其中行使的旨趣叫作念“压电效应”,是我从物理课上学到的。使用者走得越多,就能产生更多能量并存储在可充电电板中。”

印度小哥发明“电击鞋” 不错电击色狼并报警

Despite having no higher education in technology or science, Mandala valiantly attempted to develop the shoe on his own, but after suffering several shocks himself, he realized he needed to seek help from professionals. 尽管曼达拉莫得受过科技方面的高档训导,可是他勇敢尝试凭借我方的力量研发电击鞋。在被电了几次后,他意志到需要向专科东谈主士寻求匡助。

“While experimenting, I faced electrocution twice, and my friend Abhishek even developed a nosebleed,” the 17-year-old said. “But whenever I felt like giving up, I remembered my favorite inventor Thomas Edison’s words, ‘I didn’t fail 1,000 times. The light-bulb was an invention with 1,000 steps.” 17岁的曼达拉说:“在历练时辰,我被电击了两次,我的一又友阿布舍克甚而流鼻血了。可是每当我念念要烧毁时,我就会念念到我最心爱的发明家托马斯•爱迪生的话:‘我并不是失败了1000次,灯泡的发明资格了1000个门径’”。

The ElectroShoe is still in it’s developmental stage and is not available to purchase just yet. Mandala has a few kinks left to work out and he still has to find a way to make the invention work with shoe styles other than flip-flops, but he has filed a patent and plans to market the ElectroShoe soon. 电击鞋仍处于研发阶段,当今尚未运转销售。曼达拉还有几个念念法需要杀青,他还在寻找将电击鞋与东谈主字拖除外的鞋款交融的规范。但他还是苦求了专利,并筹谋很快将其插足阛阓。

In the meantime, Mandala has become very enthusiastic about pursuing an education and subsequent career in science and technology in order to keep creating innovative crime-prevention products. 此外,曼达拉当今畸形但愿在科技专科不竭深造并以此为业绩,他但愿不竭发明具有改换性的退缩犯警居品。


英文开始:Mashable 翻译&裁剪:董静 审校:yaningai 巨乳